Welcome to the Global Education Congress - Lisboa 2012

In 2002, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, Global Education Network Europe and partners agreed in Maastricht on a strategy for the promotion and support of Global Education in Europe until 2015. The Maastricht Declaration established the first framework for improving, through education, public awareness and understanding of global challenges and how to meet them. Ten years after, the same stakeholders and new actors in the field meet again to assess achievements made since the Maastrich Declaration and define a plan of action for remaining objectives until 2015.
The European Congress on Global Education will take place on 27-28 September 2012 in Lisbon and will bring together the main stakeholders from all over Europe and the neighbouring regions. The Congress will be co-organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Global Education Network Europe (GENE) and the European NGO confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD Europe). Local partners are the University of Lisbon and the Portuguese NDGO Platform.
On this platform you will find all necessary information about the Congress. Here you can also read about the latest news and follow what events are being held around Europe on this topic and more. In due time you will also find information on the programme and the speakers and how to register as a participant. In the meantime you can get acquainted with all the relevant background documents and know more about the context in which the 2012 Congress on Global Education takes place.
“Global education is understood to encompass development education, human rights education, education for sustainability, education for peace and conflict prevention and intercultural education; being the global dimensions of education for citizenship.”
Maastricht Declaration on Global Education, 2002.
Main topics